Validation of extracellular ligand–receptor interactions by Flow‑TriCEPS
December 05, 2018

BMC Research Notes 2018 11:863 Laura A. Lopez‑Garcia, Levent Demiray, Sandra Ruch‑Marder, Ann‑Katrin Hopp, Michael O. Hottiger, Paul M. Helbling and Maria P. Pavlou Received: 28 October 2018 - Accepted: 30 November 2018- Published: 5 December 2018 PDF
The advent of ligand based receptor capture methodologies, allows the identification of unknown receptor candidates for orphan extracellular ligands. However, further target validation can be tedious, laborious and time consuming. Here, we present a methodology that provides a fast and costefficient alternative for candidate target verification on living cells for a peptide, a protein and an antibody.
Laura A. Lopez‑Garcia, Levent Demiray, Sandra Ruch‑Marder, Ann‑Katrin Hopp, Michael O. Hottiger, Paul M. Helbling and Maria P. Pavlou